Scholarship Opportunity for an Intensive Course in Islamic Psychology at Universitas Islam Indonesia


We are pleased to announce this Scholarship Opportunity for an Intensive Course in Islamic Psychology at Universitas Islam Indonesia.

We’d like to invite highly motivated students from around the world to come and join us for an intensive 4 weeks of Islamic Psychology Course at Universitas Islam Indonesia, and for cultural immersion programs in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

This is a scholarship program. Detail of the program can be found in the attached online flyer. Interested applicants should apply through this link:

Selection will be conducted as only limitted number of students can be admitted.

This Program is a joint collaboration between Dept. Of Psychology Universitas Islam Indonesia, IIIT, IAMP Networks- (UGM, IIUM, Aligargh Muslim University, Association of Psychological Assistance for Muslim – Russia, UAD, UMS, Universitas Al Azhar- Indonesia and IAMP-Australia.

Bagi Mahasiswa Indonesia:

Kami sampaikan informasi tentang kesempatan mengikuti beasiswa program kelas intensif Psikologi Islam di Universitas Islam Indonesia, dengan pengajar antarbangsa. Bagi mereka yang berminat bisa mendaftar melalui link berikut ini:

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