Vision and Mission


Becoming the leading center for education, research, and community service in the fields of Psychology, Communication Sciences, English Language Education, and International Relations in Southeast Asia by 2030 with commitment to Islamic and Indonesian values.


  1. Conduct professional, innovative, and Information-Technology-based education that is grounded on prophetic values
  2. Conduct creative, applicable, and sustainable research
  3. Conduct community service in the framework of empowerment and improvement of social welfare
  4. Improve and cultivate the implementation of Islamic values in the development of ideas, scientific fields, and community problem solving
  5. Take an active role in academic activities at the Southeast Asian level.

Educational Goals 

Preparing graduates who:

  1. have scientific competence in the fields of Psychology, Communication Sciences, English Language Education, or International Relations;
  2. are critical towards the latest issues and always want to improve self-capacity independently;
  3. are capable of applying Information Technology in their field of work;
  4. adopt and implement the prophetic values as a guidance for their behaviors and attitude;
  5. have social sensitivity and skills as agents of change in society; and
  6. are competitive at the Southeast Asian level.

Educational Goals

Vission Terminology

Vision Terminology

  1. Center for education: a reference for a professional, innovative, and Information-Technology-based learning process that is grounded on prophetic values
  2. Center for research: a reference for the development of creative, applicable, and sustainable science and technology
  3. Center for community service: a reference for the utilization of science and technology for community empowerment and improvement of social welfare
  4. Leading: becoming an active member (study programs and lecturers) in scientific and professional associations in Southeast Asia, and Asia particularly for the Psychology Study Program, by:
    a. having a double degree
    b. enrolling internship abroad
    c. having international students or researchers
    d. having international publication
    e. conducting joint research
    f. having facilities and infrastructure for education and research

Each study program is required to determine target quantification for the following:

  1. commitment to islamic values (using Islamic values as the reference in determining organizational policies);
  2. commitment to Indonesian values;
  3. cultural uniqueness and diversity as a source of scientific inspiration;
  4. priority for the implementation of science that gives advantages for Indonesia; and
  5. provision of equal opportunities to all Indonesian citizens to become students.

© Copyright 2021 - Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Konten dimutakhirkan 20 November 2021