Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities (ICONISH)

E-ISSN: 3026-099X
P-ISSN: 3025-5546

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The Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities (ICONISH) serves as an interdisciplinary platform dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly articles and research findings presented at the International Conference on Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities.

Organized by the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences at Universitas Islam Indonesia, this global conference seeks to facilitate collaboration among scholars, researchers, and practitioners worldwide. Its primary objective is to advance our comprehension of Islamic social sciences and humanities, with specific emphasis on the fields of Psychology, Communications, English Language Education, and International Relations.

Download full PDF file of Proceedings of ICONISH, Volume 1 2023 here.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities (ICONISH) Volume 1 (2023)


Tawadhu and Happiness among University Students
Adinda Putri Barliani, Aurelia Khairunnisa Wijayanto, Cahya Hemas Pertiwi Eksiareh, Fuad Nashori
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Islamic Psychotherapy in Overcoming Student’s Mental Health Problem: A Literature Review
Puput HD Utami, Nur Widiasmara
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The Importance of Father’s Involvement in Growing a Mentally Healthy Generation
Fatiha Putri Rahmani, Raden Ajeng Retno Kumolohadi
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Dhikr For Anxiety: A Literature Review
Jasmine Mustika Zahraa, Rr. Indahria Sulistyarini
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Forgiveness in Terms of Emotion Regulation and Empathy
Dwi Ayu Aprilia, Fuad Nashori
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Islamic-Based Coping to Manage Stress among University Students: Online Training
Libbie Annatagia
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Gratitude and Employee Psychological Well-Being
Winda Haniifah Permatasari, Annisaa Miranty Nurendra
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Preventing Child Grooming: Sex Education from Islamic Perspective
Murtaja Azizah Khalish, Nur Widiasmara
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The Effect of Spirituality and Social Support on Student Resilience during the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation
Yuanita Prihantini, Fuad Nashori
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Responding to and Transcending a Crisis: A Case Study of a Small Frontline Clinic in Facing Covid 19 Pandemic
Emi Zulaifah, Dzikri Hijria Rahmah
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Religiosity and Psychological Well-Being of Final Year  Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Noormalita Hidayat, Libbie Annatagia
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Is Posttraumatic Growth Benefited from Dispositional Forgiveness? A Correlational Study among Covid-19 Bereaved Individuals
Anindhita Parasdyapawitra Amaranggani, Amalia Rahmandani, Salma Salma
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Psychological Distress in College Muslim Student during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nadiah Cahyani, Libbie Annatagia
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Psychological Well-Being of New College Students during Online Learning
Fitroh Fauziyah Sholihah  Mira Aliza Rachmawati
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Religiosity and Student Learning Motivation during Online Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Ardhito Faza Akhnaf, Faris Al Fathin Arifin, Ari Prasetyo Wibowo, Zhilal Kibriya Darajati, Fuad Nashori
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Principles of Interpersonal Communication in Islam: A Theoritical Framework
Subhan Afifi, Basuki Agus Suparno
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Citizen Journalism for Community Empowerment: A Preliminary Idea
Ida NDK Ningsih, Narayana Mahendra Prastya
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Empowering Communities through Health Communication Strategies during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study of India and Indonesia
Fakira Mohan Nahak, Subhan Afifi
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Analysis of Creative Videography Strategies in Da’wah Accounts on Social Media
Anggi Arif Fudin Setiadi
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Hijab Syar’i and Instagram Social Media in the Perspective of Spectacle
Puji Rianto, Titin Setiawati
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Preserving and Promoting Faith through a Digital Society : An Islamic Governance Perspective
Hamizah Haidi, Muhammad Anshari, Mahani Hamdan and Fatimah Abu Sufian
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Role of World Food Programme (WFP) In Combating Food Crisis In Yemen from 2015 to 2019
Agus Dzuriana Poetra, Masitoh Nur Rohma
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Evaluating the Social Responsibility of Muslim Women: A Study on FOMWAN, MSSN Sisters Wing and MSO in Gombe State, Nigeria
Adamu Babayo Usman
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The Islamist Mobilization in 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election
Hasbi Aswar, Fauzi Wahyu Zamzami, Alifya Kasih  Widjayanti, Ahmad Priyansyah
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The Concept of Ta’dib According to  An-Naquib Al-Attas and Humanism According to Paulo Freire and their Relevance with Islamic Education
Zikry Septoyadi, Vita Lastriana Candrawati, Junanah
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Integration of Islamic Values in Language Teaching
Humaira Motala
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